1979 Volkswagen Beetle

below average
87,760 Miles
35,186 Miles
above average

Vehicle Details

Mileage: 87760
Color: Other
Body Style: Convertible
Interior: Brown (Beige)
Transmission: 4-speed Automatic
Drive Train: Unknown
Fuel: Unknown
Location: 27616, Raleigh, NC
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Information about Dealer

Good Service, Friendly Staff
Rell on 11/12/2013

Customer Service: 5 Buying Process: 5 Overall Facilities: 4

I purchased a used mini-van from Belmonte around June of this year. Overall it was a very good experience. I personally have never liked the car buying process, but I have to say that my experience with Belmonte was different from any other experience. They offered a fair price, was willing to negotiate, and was willing to be flexible with the down payment. Financing was simple and quick. I really appreciated that there wasn't any game playing, back and forth, hounding, or deception. Everyone was straight forward and transparent. The vehicle is in very good condition and runs like a new car. Also, when I visited the dealer a second time to pick up my tags, I mentioned to a guy there (who turned out to be the owner) that we were having problems with the DVD player after purchase. Even though we bought the vehicle as-is, he offered to have a third-party repair man come out to my house and fix it at their expense. It turns out the DVD player was fine but, I thought it was a nice gesture. I got great service from this dealer. I would definitely recommend and consider them for purchasing again.

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