1988 CHEVROLET G-Series

below average
58,657 Miles
4,323 Miles
above average

Vehicle Details

Mileage: 58657
Color: White
Body Style: Van
Interior: Tan
Transmission: Automatic 4-speed
Engine: 5.7L V8
Drive Train: 2WD
Fuel: Gasoline
Location: 20735, Clinton, MD
Get EPICVIN vehicle history report

To be more confident in your used car purchase and get more information about the auto, including its accident history, insurance records, odometer readings history and other important details, we recommend you get a vehicle history report for the car prior to buying it.

Option & Equipment

Power Steering
Power Brakes
Wheel Diameter - 15 Inch
Oem Roof Height - Undefined
Front Seat Type - Bucket
Upholstery - Vinyl


Yes, this vehicle is still available. Sorry, NO FINANCING!Viewing is on Wed- Fri 10-4pm. Auctions are held every Saturday starting at 10AM. To place a bid on this item you must register at:http://BranchAveAutoAuction.hibid.com/auctions/currentYou are welcome to bring your mechanic to inspect the vehicle before any purchase. A minimum nonrefundable deposit of $200.00 is required at the time of purchase and the balance must be paid in full within 2 days. Clean titles and Carfax available on all vehicles. We test drive every vehicle checking for engine and transmission issues. Vehicles that were purchased and may have internal engine or transmission issues will be refunded if the vehicle is returned within 48 hours of purchase. Buyer fees are not included in the refund!For more info we can be reached at:301-868-7000 or Branchaveauctionatgmail.comBranch Ave Auto Auction 7827 Branch Ave Clinton MD 20735www.Branchaveautoauction.comOffice hours are Wednesday-Saturday 10-4pm