1969 Chevrolet Chevelle

below average
42,684 Miles
2,291 Miles
below average

Vehicle Details

Mileage: 42684
Color: Brown
Body Style: Other
Interior: Black
Transmission: Manual 4-speed
Engine: 396 / 375 Hp
Drive Train: Unknown
Fuel: Gasoline
Location: 46803, Fort Wayne, IN
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This Chevrolet is reported as a rust-free California car that started off as a 396-cid V-8 Malibu with a four-speed and has been restored and upgraded in the form of a SS 396 L78 Chevelle approximately four years ago. It is finished in Burnished Brown with a black vinyl interior. This very nice vehicle represents one of Americas favorite musclecars. Powered by the 396-cid, 375-hp V-8 engine with an L88 cam that is connected to a floor-shift four-speed manual transmission with a 12-bolt Posi-traction rear end with 4.11:1 gears; the interior has a bench seat and AM radio. This elevated-to SS Chevrolet has a twin-domed hood, power brakes and factory SS sport wheels. A Specialist has conveyed that the paint, trim elements, glass, wheels and tires are found to be like new. The interior is also described as being very well restored and in excellent condition. The engine compartment is also in a restored and detailed state of condition. It has won three awards and is reported to run and drive in an excellent manner; "ready for show or tour."