1968 Oldsmobile Cutlass

below average
100,000 Miles
22,912 Miles
above average

Vehicle Details

Mileage: 100000
Color: Blue
Body Style: Coupe
Interior: White
Transmission: 3-speed Automatic
Drive Train: Unknown
Fuel: Unknown
Location: 17356, Red Lion, PA
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To be more confident in your used car purchase and get more information about the auto, including its accident history, insurance records, odometer readings history and other important details, we recommend you get a vehicle history report for the car prior to buying it.

Information about Dealer

Always Happy at Naylor's
tiggeriffic on 06/03/2015

Customer Service: 5 Buying Process: 5 Quality Of Repair: 5 Overall Facilities: 5

WOW, I love Naylor's in Red Lion, my family has purchased 5 cars from Naylor since finding them. I have always been given very high trade in values and their prices can't be beat. I have had no complaints with any of the vehicles that I purchased, they ranged in years from 1997 to 2010 vehicles purchased over the last 5 years. 3 "R" titles and 2 not. If you need to see the repair list for an R title, all parts are shown to you after it was replaced. I have never seen aggressive behavior from anyone, they are the most calm and decent dealers on the planet. They will give you a good vehicle at a great price and great trade in values. I challenge you to beat the trade in price or the asking price of their cars with ANY dealer, they won't come close. If you get lucky and find one, well then buy it. You can't go wrong at Naylor, period !!

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