1966 Ford Mustang

above average
1,397 Miles
36,400 Miles
below average

Vehicle Details

Mileage: 1397
Color: Blue
Body Style: Other
Interior: White
Transmission: 4 Speed Manual
Drive Train: Unknown
Fuel: Unknown
Location: 75247, Dallas, TX
Get EPICVIN vehicle history report

To be more confident in your used car purchase and get more information about the auto, including its accident history, insurance records, odometer readings history and other important details, we recommend you get a vehicle history report for the car prior to buying it.


For more information on this vehicle or to schedule a test drive please give us a call. At Palomino Motors, we are setting the standard in quality & service. Please visit our website for detailed specifications, options, & more than 20+ pictures for this and any other vehicle! Thank you. *Despite our best efforts to provide you useful and accurate information regarding our vehicles, errors may appear from time to time, please call ahead and confirm any details that are critical to your purchasing decision! Most of our vehicles also pre-qualify for up to a 100,000 mile extended warranty and low finance rates with approved credit. Please complete the online credit application on our website at www.PalominoMotors.com for pre-approval. Come by our hassle-free warehouse anytime, conveniently located at highway 183 and Mockingbird right outside Downtown Dallas. Our physical address is: 7021 John W Carpenter Frwy Dallas, TX 75247 We take pride in our one of a kind car buying experience come see us today. Airport pickup avail. SE HABLA ESPAñOL

Recalls & Defects

VIN 6R08C137224 may have been recalled. Check full report for more information

Spindle failure can cause a loss of steering control, increasing the risk of a crash.

Drake Automotive Group, LLC (Drake) is recalling certain Scott Drake left and right wheel spindles, part numbers C5ZZ-3106-L, C5ZZ-3105-R, C70Z-3106-L, C70Z-3105-R sold for use on 1965-1966 Ford Mustang V8s and 1967-1969 Ford Mustangs (all vehicles with drums). The spindle may fail resulting in the wheel and tire detaching from the vehicle's steering system.

Information about Dealer

Great Experience
Jerry Zambrano on 09/20/2016

Customer Service: 5 Buying Process: 5 Overall Facilities: 5

Friendly, extremely helpful in all phases of the process, Worked with us on a price we could afford, To all the staff at Palomino Motors Thank you very much,

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