1957 Chevrolet Bel Air

below average
99,281 Miles
45,568 Miles
above average

Vehicle Details

Mileage: 99281
Color: Green
Body Style: Coupe
Interior: Red
Transmission: Select
Engine: Select
Drive Train: Unknown
Fuel: Unknown
Location: 96826, Honolulu, HI
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Information about Dealer

Purchased a car
Unknown on 08/25/2014

Customer Service: 1 Buying Process: 1

I purchased a car from them ,they were very nice except the car I purchased broke down and I'm stuck paying for a vechile that DOSENT work anymore . It would cost at least 5,000.00 to fix . My guess was they couldn't Waite to get ride of this car . It had gotten in to a accident they told me the owner took out the four wheel drive cause. No need Speacially on Oahu roads . We'll guess what that's a bad excuse . I is senior citizens got ripp off. We kept calling the sale man SHANE OR SEAN and he never called us back . So so frusted paying for a car at 400.00 a month soon to be homeless because of all the stress these people made it sound so good . Be careful for real nice sale people that want to make a commission. I only drive this car less then 50 miles

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