1954 Chevrolet 3100

above average
1,202 Miles
4,242 Miles
below average

Vehicle Details

Mileage: 1202
Color: Blue
Body Style: Other
Interior: Unspecified
Transmission: 4-speed Manual
Engine: 3.9
Drive Train: Unknown
Fuel: Gasoline
Location: 56353, Milaca, MN
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Option & Equipment

Blind Spot Monitor


Marketed as the Advanced Design trucks, Chevy placed an emphasis on cab comfort and safety. For the 1947 to 1954 models, stylists conceived the five-window cab, formally known as the Deluxe Cab, to eliminate the blind spots in the rear quarter panels of the cab. I personally drove to Loveland, Colorado to pick this beauty up. I met with the old duffer that did the cab off restoration and have approximately $42k in receipts that do not include a Nickle for labor. The man enjoyed the project and it can bless you!